Winter Wish

To be honest when I started drafting the first manuscript for,"Winter Wish," the story went through about five drafts. This was way before I could put pencil to pad and started sketching out the panels for the pages.
Some might call it fear of writing your first book. However, I had a few different things happening at the time. For one, I was in between jobs, and completely restless with freelancing, and working in a 9 to 5 job that I'd exceeded expectations in. That 9 to 5 just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. Then to top it all off my dog Bear Passed away. He was a black Labrador. It was one of many sad events in my life,

When it happened I was stuck in my mind for a while. I tried to wrap up my stress at work as well as the grief I held when it was Bear's time. But i couldn't, so that's when I remembered that Bear had a long life. His life was fun too.
Instead of moping around I went back to watercolor, inks, and decided to fiddle around with paper. I saw my daughter cutting up random forms so I dived in too. Before I knew it we were both just cutting. I pulled a memory from my mind, It was an image of Bear nose diving in the snow.
After that brief moment of recollection, I started to make snowflakes. Then I taught my daughter and in the end we had so many. I had no idea what to do with all of them.

Then a idea popped in my head, I could create a mixed media image. I could use the paper cutouts, watercolor and the inks. Once I started this method, the images just assembled on their own. My drawings became my first book.
From that moment I wrote the story, that became, “Winter Wish.” It’s about loss, discovery and friendship. Even though Bear is gone, I still hold onto all of the magical moments that we created together. I plan to make more stories reminiscent of the life that bear shared with my family and me.
Thanks For Reading. ^_^
Winter Wish By Lovietta Simpkins is Available Online For Purchase:
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One winter tale follows a little bear, who wants so dearly to find a friend. Come along on his journey.
Winter Wish Copyright © 2015 Envision & Wonder : Author / Illustrator/ Designer: Lovietta Simpkins.
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by Envision & Wonder. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Publisher, Author & Illustrator, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Copyright infringement is a crime and offenders will be punished to the full extent of the law.
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First Edition Month & Year: February 2015
Publisher: Envision & Wonder
ISBN: 978-0-9961561-0-3
Made in the United States of America.
Tags: bear, bedtime story, childrens book, colorful, envision & wonder, fantasy, kids, magic, winter wish, Lovietta Simpkins